Featured Presentations: Society of Behavioral Medicine 2024 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA

This year at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Dr. Berardi and CAHB LAB members Ian Nel and Analisa Vavoso presented their lastest research in the following sessions.

"Leveraging intensive longitudinal physical activity data to investigate behavioral maintenance and other phenomena"

Thursday, March 14 | Symposium 9

Dr. Berardi’s Role: Chair & Presenter

Co-authors: Jason Fanning, Chad Stecher, Wei-Lin Wang, Junghwan Park, Genevieve Dunton (Discussant)

"Real-time air monitoring in the homes of tobacco smokers associated with reported smoking reduction and cessation"

Rapid Communications Poster

Session: Poster Session D
Poster Number: D192
Date and Time: Friday March 15, 2024, 5:00 PM-5:50 PM
Dr. Berardi’s Role: Presenter

Co-authors: Bradley Collins, Steve Lepore

"Intraindividual Variability in Physical Activity Predicts Physical Activity Maintenance: An Accelerometry-based Study"

Research Poster by PhD student Ian Nel.

"The Moderating Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Walkability on the Efficacy of Physical Activity Intervention Strategies"

Research Poster by Analisa Vavoso.

CitaTion & Meritorious award

Congratulations, Analisa Vavoso!